
June 3, 2019

Resume my active development work. Start with the weekly status calls šŸ˜ƒ

April 2019

Collect feedback about Document Manager, prioritize list of features, create a project plan for the next 3 months.

April 10, 2019

Short video with overview about what I have achieved in the past year.

March 5, 2019

Version of the Document Manager is released!

March 1st, 2019

The official end of the project.

November 2018 – February,2019

Design and implement Document Manager add-in. This is improved version of the DocSPO Lite. The big difference is in the underling architecture. Document Manager is a Dynamics 365 solution that use Azure Active Directory for authentication.

September 6, 2018

A short video showing the Beta version of DocSPO, watch it in our video chanel.

September 5, 2018

Version of the Feedbacker Lite is released.

August, 2018

Add several explanation videos in the YouTube channel.

August 8, 2018

Version of the Feedbacker Lite is released. Anonymous feedback feature is added.

July 11, 2018

Version of the Feedbacker Lite is released. Major changes in the server side logic.

June 25, 2018

DocSPO Lite is released to the Office store.

April 25, 2018

Feedbacker Lite is released to the Office store.

March 23, 2018

Notifier Lite is released to the Office store.

Goal #1

Within 2 months (March + April) to develop a “minimum viable product” add-in (Notifier) and try the market with it. My understanding of “try the market” is: give it to two or three companies for free, help them install, test and understand it; ask questions about the companiesā€™ need related to Office 365 & SharePoint functionality.

March 1st, 2018

The official start of the project.

Feb 2018

Decide to jump into the product business and try to position the business in SharePoint Online components. Start creating singens.com and preparing for 1st of Marchā€¦

Jan 2018

Explore existing add-in in the Store ā€“ payment approaches and licensing (Office Store model vs custom one). List several competitors. Explore payment providers and select Braintree as potential option. Communicate with my long term client that Iā€™m going to ā€œstart new opportunityā€ and wonā€™t have the same availability as previously.

Sept/Nov 2017

Start exploring Office Store ā€“ app requirements, limitations, payments models. Develop simple add-in (Feedbacker) and add it to the Store. Speak on a local SharePoint User Group Bulgaria meetup about my experience with the store – Sell your code through the Office Store.